Love that scene from Cast Away. That's how I feel every time I get a camp fire started. I like fire. It runs in my blood. There's just something mesmerizing by it. I used to burn everything I think of an excuse for. End of the semester homework...bonfire. Christmas tree...bonfire. Old ratty t-shirts...ashes. Marshmallows...flaming puffs of death (seriously, have you ever been camping and someone catches their s'mores marshmallow on fire and starts flinging the stick to try and put the fire out, only to launch the flaming mallow at your leg? No? Somehow that seems to be a regular camping experience around here). I even love fireworks. There's a great firework store in a nearby town and we've had some fun home firework shows (you never know when one is going to dive straight at you). As much as I love fire though, there are times that it really shouldn't be present. Like in your toaster.
The Original Pin
The Original Pin
I can't seem to figure out how to get this to appear here's the one that Alissa tried:
I can't seem to figure out how to get this to appear here's the one that Alissa tried:
Now some of you might be saying, "Wait, haven't they already posted this...perhaps twice?" Yes, yes we have. But this is one of those projects that will never get old. Like watching that scene on "While You Were Sleeping" where the kid eats it on his bicycle while delivering newspapers. We rewind that scene over and over and over again. Haven't seen the movie? Here's the clip (thank you You Tube):
See? Never gets old. It's such a random scene that really has no bearing on the movie...but it's hilarious.
Alissa says, "So I love grilled cheese and I thought how brilliant, just put the bread and cheese in the toaster, put it on it's side, and presto, grilled cheese! Well it didn't work out quite like that."
The Pinstrosity
"I started it, went back to the living room to watch a movie with my family and suddenly realize, it smells like something is burning. I look up and see there's a FIRE in the toaster! We all started yelling, and my Mom quickly unplugged it and took it outside. Epic fail. A toaster on fire...never thought I'd see that!"
This may only be the third actual submission we've had for this but we've had many comments on our previous posts, on Facebook, and on Pinterest saying that they tried this too and their toaster was, well...toasted.
Here are some of the tales of woe:
FoodycatOctober 31, 2012 at 11:00 AM
Even on the episode of the Naked Chef where Jamie Oliver did this it caught fire! It just isn't a good idea.
AnonymousJanuary 4, 2013 at 5:13 AM
Yeah .... I killed my toaster when I tried this. Not so much of a disaster for me since I didn't really like my toaster in the first place, so I was able to go get a new one.
No fire, though. My toaster just said, "What the frack do you think YOU'RE trying to do here?" and then shut down, taking all of the electricity in the house with it.
No fire, though. My toaster just said, "What the frack do you think YOU'RE trying to do here?" and then shut down, taking all of the electricity in the house with it.
I tried this and the cheese melted off the side so fast. I popped it right out and still have a cheese burning smell when we use the toaster. I think I will just stick to my sandwich maker.
I was searching the site to see if this had been submitted yet or I was going to send it in as my Pinstrosity! It ruined our toaster and we have yet to get a new one. Womp, womp.
My wife tried this... We had to buy a new toaster. Thanks a lot Pinterest!
AnonymousMarch 4, 2012 at 6:52 AM
i tried it and all the "crusties"( little pieces that fall off your bread) just catch on fire and there is no way to get them all out!
Now how do you avoid the flaming pin of cheesy death? Some have suggested getting and old toaster. Some suggest using different cheese. Some say to get a sandwich press. Others tell you to get toaster bags. Me? I say just make grilled cheese on the stove like normal. If you really really want to switch things up, put it under the broiler. I's not as novel of an idea, but you save your toaster and you don't waste that precious cheesy goodness.
If you do give this a try, be oh so careful and watch the toaster the entire time. Don't leave the room. Be ready in case anything goes wrong. This is one of those pins that has worked for some, but it has been quite the hazard for others. Please don't burn down your house over grilled cheese. I know grilled cheese is frankly quite amazing, but it's not worth your house.
Me? I'll just stick to the pan plan. Mmm...I think I'll make me grilled cheese and tomato soup for breakfast. I better go get on that.