Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Finger Lickin' Good

We are in the throws of the last two weeks of the semester, and while Marquette isn't in school, this time of year still tends to be demanding whether you are or not. Everything just happens all at once right now for some reason!
 So hang in there with us! We are almost out of the thick of it! Not that I have a countdown or anything but it's only 12 days, 22 hours, and 37 min till I am done with the semester. But who is counting right?! Right?!
At this point in the game there is just something about being busy that means stuff breaks, and stuff goes wrong and you just need it to be fixed like RIGHT THAT SECOND or you might spontaneously combust.
In these instances when things are broken, or aren't going the way I hope would it be appropriate to just lick them to make them better?
Yes I said lick.
Taxes need to be done? Lick your papers...instant tax refund!
Finals have to be studied for? Can't I just lick my book and the rest is taken care of?
Lick your plate and steak potatoes and green beans appear, then lick your plate when your done and ice creams happens to be there too!
Lick your own head when you get a headache? Difficult, but Pow! Headache gone!
(This is sounding like a commercial for insurance or something)
Well Victoria tried the "Lick Method"...and it didn't work for her. Bummer.
The Original
Smudged Polish, one pin Victoria saw suggested that you lick it, and it will disappear!
The Pinstrosity
 Still smudged. Boo!
**The above website does not suggest licking a smudge to fix it, they suggest a nail product I will talking about later in the post...the link above is purely to allow photo credit where credit is due. This is obviously a case where someone used someone else's picture to pitch their own idea with unrealistic results. Shame shame internet.**
While we didn't get a after picture (Victoria said it didn't work at all) I was intrigued by this... could it really be that easy? While I am in no way wondering what nail polish tastes like ( I am sure it taste like it smells, not good), I wondered if it would work. And it didn't.
In fact Victoria told us that it stuck to her tongue and she just tasted nail polish all day, and that it kind a started to close off her throat! Scary!!! So lesson for the day...
Don't eat nail polish (and licking things doesn't make them go away/get better...darn).
But the big question here is how do you fix a smudged nail?!
Here is a compilation of a few things to try.
The "Original" photo actually goes with this product above, they tested it out and got the results seen at the bottom of that same picture. Seems easy enough. Although they did say it can have somewhat of a thinning effect on the polish. I like this though, it seems like a logical and easy way to fix the unavoidable smudged nail issue.
Up next is this gem:
This website sells nail protector clips that simply clip to your fingers...seems funny but ingenious at the same time, you can get these beauties for $12.50 (U.S. Dollars).
Next we have a similar item:
This product called "Nails in Motion" allows you to continue with your daily tasks without risking getting your nails smudged! I love it! While I would feel funny wearing them, if you get regular polish mani's this might be something to consider! A protection for your nail investments!
Another option for the DIY-ers, I think we have all seen these next two:
This pin talks about how you can spray Pam on your wet nails after painting them and the Pam will instantly dry your nails and voila your done! With the added bonus of having nice cuticles because you just coated them in liquid butter who could resist right?! Well the gal from Smelly-Life Blog tried it and said it was WONDERFUL! She loved it! But when I tried it I gave it a big thumbs down. (No picture was late and I was desperate to get to bed with dry nails). After I sprayed them I just had greasy wet finger nails...but my cuticles looked A-Mazing! So there is a bonus to that...
This is the last one...and I haven't tried it, but I am always up for something new!
Wiki-How suggests submerging wet nails in cold tap water and it will dry them instantly!
Now I haven't tried this but I am not sure how this one would work...usually when I have done a  clients nails and then wash my hands afterward, with messy "I just cleaned up the client's nails" wet polish on my hands and nails, the polish all disappears. Anyone have any takes on this?! Let us know.
So there you have it, how to keep from smudging your nails, and how to not-lick-things-to-make-them-do-what-you-want-them-to.
Also the last suggestion for the day, just wait for them to dry...but where is the fun in that?!
Happy Wednesday Pinstrosipeeps!


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