Saturday, August 18, 2012

Banana Poo Bread

Hello Pinstrositeers...Pinstrositites...Pinstrosicans? Hello world! Marquette here. I'm finally home after a wonderful week of visiting friends and family, getting lost in the mountains, and my best friends wedding. A huge thanks to Em for covering for me during the wedding hoopla and while I was without Internet access. It was amazing to come home and see the huge spike in viewers...we hit our 2nd million mark already! You guys are awesome. 

I have a great Pinstrosity for you today from Lauren. I loved her story and how she told it so I'll let you read her story in her own words. 

"I have been an avid pinner for a little over a year, but it was only until recently that I began testing out the recipe portion of my pins. My husband & I have been married for 2 months TODAY, so I have spent the past 2 months attempting to impress my man with my domestic abilities. I guess not everyone is cut out to be a Homemaker after all (cough...ME!..cough)."  

"I was attempting to bake a recipe titled '(My) Best Banana Bread' and little did I know, it would be MY (& the world's) WORST banana bread!" 

"I originally chose this pin because my husband LOVES banana bread & usually his mom sends him a care package with it during deployments & I figured maybe I should learn how to make his favorite snack & maybe, just maybe mine will blow his mother's away? Competitive... I know!"

"I was set! I bought all the ingredients, I even preserved my ripe & ready-to-go bananas a few days before & this is where the nightmare began!"

The Pinstrosity
"I took out my frozen naners and forgot all about them while I was chatting away with my sister on the phone & imagine my surprise when I peel the sweating-looking bananas open and discover this:"
Does this not look like poo?
"I was like WHATTT THE......? I then proceeded to "pour" the bananas (yeah never thought I'd say that either) into a bowl and stood there for a while wondering if it would still work & then I get a call from my husband saying he is on his way home. I wanted it to be baking before he came in so he would be greeted with the lovely aroma of banana bliss, so I figured "Screw it, I'm sure the bananas will still work!!" I began running around the kitchen like a mad woman tossing in each ingredient one by one....& in walks hunny. Whew! I made it just in time! So I take a peek into the oven & notice the bread is HUGE (really wish I would have taken a photo) & I ask him if it's normal considering it had only been in for maybe 5 min. & he wasn't sure, so I just ignore it. I peek again after about 10 minutes and notice it is now HUGE & BLACK so I pull it out and wonder why it is baking so fast, (the recipe said "55mins- 1hr"). I peel off the scorched top & notice a soupy banana mixture inside, so I think "well, maybe that part will be good" and I pop it back in for another 40 min. & pull out this:"

"My hubby & I each take a bite & "HOLY COW....WHAT ISSSSS THAT"? Charlie says "Sorry, baby" as he spits it into the sink & I have my eyes closed forcing myself to swallow my poisonous bite (&pride)." 

"What in the heck happened? Where did I go wrong? I then re-read the recipe retracing my steps...."

"2 cups of flour? Check! 3/4 cup of granulated sugar? Check!.....3/4 Teaspoon of baking soda?"

"WAIT WHAAAAAAT? I thought it was CUPS!... Yeah, 3/4 TEASPOON & 3/4 CUP make a HUGE difference!"

"I tossed the banana brick & swore I'd never tell a soul until I discovered Pinstrosity & realized we all make mistakes & Pintrest is a great platform for failure! Okay & quite possibly success too, at least WE pinners are learning & trying to expand our creative abilities. Go us! :)"

 "Side note: I attempted the banana bread a 2nd time using the CORRECT measurements & it was DELICIOUS. Charlie even went as far to say he prefers mine now! Happy Dances all around!"

So...the moral of the story here...unless your are making a huge batch of something, you'll probably never need 3/4 c. of baking soda. Thanks for the great submission and the laughs Lauren.


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