Saturday, July 7, 2012

Mason Jar Misery

Em here, finally recovered from the 4th, (mostly). Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday! We came back from the mid-week festivities to some 40 or so projects that had been sent to our email! We love it! Keep sending and we will keep posting! This particular project interested me because I have been wanting to try this one out, and well it seems that it a very picky and specific about how it has to be done, here is today's Pinstrosity from Jennifer.

The Original Pin
This image is from:
NOTE: This is not the original picture, it wasn't working, but this is the closest I could find. For the website and the tutorial on the Tinted Mason Jars go here:

The Pinstrosity

Not quite what Jennifer had hoped (it's for her wedding reception). The directions on the original website say to use Vitrea 160, I believe it is a glass paint, and then she used paint thinner from the same product line. Jennifer used both of these products, and followed the directions. However, on the website it says to use a fan brush:

Like so.
Jennifer used a sponge brush, which I tend to use with mod-podge. The difference is, if you are using the fan brush it will keep the product light during application. The sponge brush on the other hand, is just as it sounds, a sponge, it soaks up the product and then say you push harder in one area than on another, more product comes out of the brush and then you have uneven distribution (or blotchy-ness). I'm not sure if that is a word, but it is now.
Make sure you don't use a ton of product either; the original pinner says to use a pinkie fingernail amount of blue, and a swipe of the brush of the thinner. Jennifer mentioned that she may not have had that part right either. Make sure after you paint your jar that you turn it upside down, and let it sit for 24 hours before baking it. The original blog said if there are streaks from the brush they will disappear during baking. Just a few tweaks, and you have some super fun vintage decor for any occasion! (I just sounded like Martha Stewart I need to reevaluate my life) ;)


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