Thursday, July 19, 2012

Is that Poo or Berry Cobbler?

Welp, I did it again. I think I need to write the afternoon/evening post earlier in the day now that the monsoons are finally becoming more regular. 

Here's the last post in our 4th of July series! Y'all ready? 

The Original Pin
Quick and easy Berry Cobbler. Looks yummy! I love these. 

The Pinstrosity

Sandi's Cobbler Surprise. To use Sandi's own words, "it looked like something that came out of my son's diaper." But she says it tasted great. 

To troubleshoot this, let's go through Sandi's process. 
  • "I added the frozen fruit (maybe a little too much fruit if there is such a thing), then added the cake mix on top of that, then finally added the Sprite. 
    • Too much fruit? If you ask me, no. If you as my husband, yes. But I don't think it had much bearing on the outcome of this. As long as the cake mix covers the fruit, I think you're good. 
  • Well after I added the Sprite it didn't cover all the cake mix so I added some more Sprite."
    • If you look at the pictures in the original post, her soda does not cover all the cake mix. There are dry spots left. Too much soda might actually be part of the next problem. 
    • You could let the cobbler sit for a few minutes after adding the soda to try and get more of a reaction between the soda and the cake mix. 
  • "I baked the cobbler in the oven but forgot to set a timer so I was maybe 5-10 minutes over or under on time. When I pulled it out of the oven the cake mix was still powdery in many (most) places. 
    • I've actually never had a cobbler that is done this way that does not have powdery cake mix places, but it still tastes good. But of course you don't want it to all be powdery. This may have something to do with the type of cake, but I'll address that in a minute. 
  • So I stirred the cobbler up even though it says not to just so we could eat and not have dry cake mix everywhere.
    • The original post says not to stir the soda and cake mix together before cooking, otherwise you won't have a crust topping, you'll have a cake topping. After things have baked a little while stirring shouldn't give a cakey topping, it'll just mix the crust and the berries all together, making the cooking time of the uncooked crust a little longer. 
  • I put it back in the oven for another 10 minutes, and when I took it out it looked gross. I had to beg my friends to try it and while it tasted good, it looked like something that came out of my son's diaper.
    • Mmmm. 
  • "Turns out that you aren't supposed to use cake mix with pudding in the mix. I didn't see that until the next day when I was checking to see what went wrong."
    • This right here might be the issue with the crust not forming correctly. It's the fine print that gets ya every time. The pudding in the cake mixes is supposed to help keep the cakes moist which is not quite what you're going for here.  

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