Friday, August 30, 2013

Cracked Crayon Crafty Candle Creations

Ever come across a pin you haven't seen before and just think it's absolutely genius?! And then you think, "I have been on Pinterest for two years now and spend entirely too much time pinning and I have never seen this! Where has it been hiding? "
I found one of those today in the form of Robin's submission...check it out!
The Original
The idea of this pin is to use old broken crayons to make a candle! Of course for this you will need a jar and most of us have at least a mason jar, or baby food jar either in our home or have access to one fairly easily. Also for this you would need a wick, or like Robin you can be super inventive...check out her version!
The Pin Spin
Here Robin used her kids old broken crayons (she did this craft with the kiddos and let them pick their own colors) to make candles!
 They put the desired crumbles crayons in the jars, put them outside ( it was 109 Fahrenheit at her house that day! Yikes!), let them get slightly gooey and then inserted a birthday candle in the middle of the jar as the wick!
 She also had the genius idea of adding a crumbled scentsy bar to the candles so they would smell good! I love this! It's inexpensive and generally you will have everything you need to do this, the kids can help and there is nothing you need to worry about!
 When I originally read the pin I thought for sure they were going to use some tricky way to melt the wax and it was going to end badly but this turned out great! I love the resourcefulness and these would make cute gifts from the kids to grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, teachers, friends etc. and it won't break the bank!
I know I shouldn't HAVE to say all this but I am just covering all the basis here:
-Before beginning this make sure to take the papers off the crayons
-Use a glass jar for this project
-When burning candles make sure they are out of reach of children
-Please ensure candles are never left unsupervised!
Does anyone have any GENIUS ways for this to work in the winter that won't make a HUGE mess, won't require a double broiler, ruining a kitchen pan and can still involve kids?! Sound off below! We love your feedback!
Happy Friday!

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