Friday, February 22, 2013

Healthy Chocolate Cookies?!

What's better than chocolate? Nothing. Really nothing, and if you disagree with me (which some of you may...) well than I suppose that is ok too. But I am a admittant chocohaulic. 
They should really have Chocohaulics annonymous meetings...we could do that combined with a Pinterest annonymous meetings, and just a party out of it? Who's with me? I would bring treats! ;)
Well all this started in my brain because of what Mandy sent us, she and her family are trying to be more healthy but added their own twist to it, check it out!

The Pindifferent
The Original

"My family and I have all been trying to be a little healthier. But it's been hard. We all have a massive sweet tooth and keeping any delicious gooey goodness out of the house has been difficult. But with our wedding coming up in less than 3 months I've buckled down and the whole family has sacrificed. I'm constantly scouring Pinterest for healthy ideas that don't involve protein shakes or plain grilled chicken. *blah* So when I came across this amazing looking recipe using Greek yogurt instead of butter and shortening,I jumped on it. 
I made ONE simple change,
 as the rest of my family is a bunch of big babies and doesn't like blueberries. 
My fix: I just used chocolate chips instead. 
I also used it as a mother/daughter moment and had my oldest daughter 
helping measure,pour and stir.
 And even tried to incorporate math by asking how many 1/4 cups goes in a cup, etc. 
Right away I could tell the texture was off but I had no idea what to do to fix it, 
as I've never baked with yogurt before. So I just dropped it on my pan and prayed
 for a miracle. 
Ten minutes on the nose and I pulled out this delightful batch."

Mandy pulled off a healthy chocolate miracle! I'm not sure if I am allowed to use healthy
 and chocolate in the sentence together, but why not eh?

I know she thinks they may not look pretty like the first ones, but they look like cookies,
 and gosh darn it, that's good enough for me! I may even have to try this! They look delicious!

So Pindifferent, what do we think? Yea or nay? I'm not sure if I love it yet, 
but I don't dislike it either, 
what's the vote Pinstrosipeeps?!
Hope you all had a wonderful Friday!

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