Friday, January 11, 2013

Food Coloring Explosion!!

I am alive I promise! 
Every time I miss a post day I feel like I haven't posted in weeks! Then I feel terribly guilt ridden and I have to remind myself that, well, sometimes other things in life happen and you just have to make the best of it. 
I added a lot of other "life stuff" this week, but the big one is: I am going back to school! Today was the big first day!
 Yep, it's back to school for Em and it has been all brain consuming the last few days getting everything put together in time, so it is nice to take a break and Pinstrositize!  
Thanks for being patient with me Pinstrosipeeps!

I have an awesome winter activity chuckle for you from Mike! Yay for crafty dudes!

The Original

Ice balloons!! Fun huh?!

Now I know those look AWESOME, and I have seen them on every Pin Board EVER, but I am not entirely sure what you do with them other then decorate? 
Snowman bowling?
Snow Bocce?
They don't seem that they would be sport friendly. They are obviously solid ice so that is a major no go, which means winter dodge ball is out of the question. I can just hear my brothers and nephews groaning "Awe man, you're taking all the fun out it!" Haha. 
Anyway, these fun winter "marbles" are made by just putting water and food coloring in a balloon, then freezing, and then you cut away the balloon after they are all frozen! The original blogger suggests using black gloves (the cotton stretchy kind) when taking them out of the balloon because as they start to melt they get coloring on everything.

The Pinstrosity

Mike said they were filling the balloons at the sink, with the coloring already in the balloons, when the balloon on the faucet broke.
 Been there done that.
 Only I did it with just water, and outside, in the summer, when it's warm. 
This is a bit different.
Mike says he kept his cool though, pun intended and that most of it cleaned up easy, and he only had to treat a few spots with the Magic Eraser. He didn't even murder anyone! What a cool craft dude. 
Red dye makes me angry in general, so I probably wouldn't have been as chill. 'Nother pun intended, are you sick of them yet?

The key to this is to have two people in on this project: one to fill, one to put the dye in the balloon after the balloon is filled, and I might do this in the sink so that if something does happen (see above) then you are over stainless steel and not carpet. 
Oh that would be a nightmare!
*Flashbacks of spilling strawberry slushie on white carpet...cringes.*
I would also suggest not filling them to the brim (for tying purposes) unless you are prepared for dye all over your hands and kitchen. Just something to think about when filling them up.

As kids my siblings and I used to put food coloring in our milk. Mom was always so adamant that we keep our "magic milk" in the kitchen. Looking back now I can't imagine why ;)

Well Pinstrosipeeps have a great weekend!

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