You would think. You would totally think wouldn't you! You would think...that by this time I would know better. I Emilee, a Pinstrositier WOULD %^$#*&^% KNOW BETTER!!!
But alas, apparently I do not. There is something to be said about humility.
And this experience has definitely given me my fair share (and then some). Here I am the co-creator of a blog all about how to NOT have Pinterest fails, and I break the cardinal rule of Pinning.
I tried a pin without reading the directions.
I hope all of you are laughing at me right now, because if I was a third party totally un-involved reader, I would be busting a gut and super excited to see what is about to be presented to me.
So here it is, my bake of shame.
I was invited to a cookie exchange at Marquette's sisters house, and decided to try a totally new recipe. One I had seen on Pinterest (famous last words).
**I would like to add that I am ADMITTEDLY NOT a baker, not in the least. Cooking is great grand and fantastic, but baking is not generally not my thing.
May I also add this is went down at 11:30 at night after a LONG day and I was exhausted?! Well it was, and I was. So add that in for another excuse yeah?
"Enough blabbing!! Show us the pictures Pinstrosity lady!!!" (Cue impatient blog hungry mob...jk jk, but no really.)
The Original
Andes Mint Cookies, I am a Andes Mint JUNKIE. Like really, I hide wrappers and everything, and I may or may not go to Olive Garden just for the after meal complimentary mint, or seven.
So this GENIUS recipe calls for a Devil's Food Cake mix, Andes Mints, and the usual baking stuff; eggs, and oil. Tada, that's it!
Now, what you all have been waiting for:
The Pinstrosity
"They look like mini cakes?!"
What's that you say?! They look like mini cakes? Hmm, well that's because they are.
I am a doofus.
I didn't even look at the recipe.
Nope totally didn't even glance.
I read the ingredients, made sure I had all that I needed, and I did, and just went to town like I was baking a freaking cake.
I had just finished mixing the "batter" and realized my mistake, and in desperate not-wanting-to-go-to-Wal-Mart-at-midnight fashion, I stuck them in the oven anyways, just in case they were awesome and it was a new miracle awesome cookie recipe sent down from the blessed cookie gods.
They weren't.
At all.
So I dragged the honey with me to Wal-Mart at midnight, picked up a single box of cake mix, and headed home for round two.
At which point I READ THE &&%$# DIRECTIONS and got to work on the real cookies, which actually turned out awesome despite my perils from earlier that evening.
They were DELICIOUS! I didn't have a single one to go home with after the party, Success! Redemption (kinda)!
The trick?
I assumed that because I was using a cake mix I would mix it just like the cake ingredients and all.
Wrong. Wrong.Wrong.Wrong.
And as irony would have it the trick to this was later told to me at a church function by a 16 year old young lady who makes her own cookie recipes. At this point I feel about this big. Murphey's law this would happen 24 hours AFTER the cookie party.
I had humitliy for breakfast lunch AND dinner for the next tow days. I know we will always be our most demanding and most harsh critic, but on this one I think I deserved it.
She told me if you add 1/2 cup oil and 2 eggs to (almost) any cake mix, it becomes a cookie mix.
And if you have done it right, your dough should look something like this:
NOT this:
The moral of the story. Don't assume, read the directions, and don't bake past midnight.
I hope you enjoyed my serving of humble pie, and I hope I won't be having anymore for a while.
For new Pinners who are timid towards trying new things, don't be afraid to make a mistake, you may feel like a doof for a day or two, but in the end we have ALL been there done that.
Happy Wednesday Pinstrosipeeps!
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