Are you sick of wreaths yet? No?! Good! Me neither ;) I LOVE them. Maybe it's due partially to the fact that my dear husband hates them. For a while out of love I didn't do wreaths just because I knew he wasn't fond of them, then one day while sighing over some wreath pin boards on Pinterest, he felt sorry for me and told me that he would be ok if we had which I whipped one up at the speed of light right then and it to this day sits on our door. That is true love on his part, and well can I just say that love is awesome?! Cause it is. But this post isn't above love, it's about wreaths, (which to me are practically the same thing ;) )
Susanna sent us this from her Halloween stuff, and well it's a good pin for next year, and I know it's not Halloween anymore, but you (now) know me and my wreaths, I couldn't pass it up...
The Original
Creepy AND creative!!
Leave it to Martha right?
The Pinstrosity
Not quite the same eh?
Now, I will say I still like it, it's Halloweeny AND Susanna added nasty creepy Cicada skins, which is well in a word awesome.
She said she didn't paint it because it was late at night and she ended up really liking the look of ht green snakes, and I think that's cool too!
However there are a few more things that attributed to this not turning out like Susanna had planned.
Here's what she had to say:
"... I had trouble finding large plastic snakes. I was able to find small ones at Dollar Tree, and I finally found the large ones at Wal-Mart in the toy section. The wreath and the spray paint that's supposed to adhere to plastic (which I didn't use) are from Hobby Lobby.
I bought five snakes, but only ended up using three because my boys wanted to play with the other two, and I didn't have the heart to take them away."
Such is the life of a Mom eh? She did good I think, it is still super fun! But in order for this to look like the original, you would need to purchase the large AND small snakes (small snakes are located in the party section in the goodie bag area, I think they are $1). I would reccomend hot gluing everything onto the wreath then paint it, and the plastic adhering spray paint can also be found at Wal-Mart. A fun quick craft that brings the Halloween spirit right to your door! ( Now I am sounding like Martha...eek!)
Happy Wednesday Pinstrosipeeps!
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