Friday, October 19, 2012

I Now Pronounce You Cute Monogram

What is a better reminder of a beloved marriage than a marriage license?! Nothing that I can think of, rings are a given, but a marriage license kinda seals the deal, literally, it has to be notarized and everything! Barbara sent us this Pinstrosity that didn't have the shabby chic feel she was hoping for. I too have pinned this one, and well it is unfortunately entirely dependent and what state you got married in, and how cute your legally binding document is, check it out.

The Original

Your last names first letter with a copy of your marriage license mod podged on, adorable, especially because monograms are super in right now. 
 Here is Barbara's take on it (we smudged out all her personal information...she didn't make it with the smudges):

The Pinstrosity

 Not quite the cute letter she had in mind, so she decided to make a cute flower to put on it and see how that helped:

Ok so here is where things went awry. If you notice in the original picture, the letter is from a store, it even still has the sticker on it. That means the license isn't real, and the lettering can therefore be cute, because it isn't a legal document. As far as I can tell Barbara's license is from California, now I got married in AZ and our license is pretty cute (lincensurely speaking, yes I made that word up). I could easily do this with our license  but there is more too it than just mod podge.
If you look at the original, the edges are distressed, which defiantly add to the shabby chic feel. This can easily be done after all the mod podge is dry with some sandpaper, but don't go to crazy or it will look to shabby. Also props to Barbara for adding the cute flower piece  I might steal that, it adds some much needed texture and color. :)
Can I add that not every state will be cute, seeing as I have not been married in every state I can't say who has the cutest license, never thought I would be having this convo "Who's marriage license is cutest?! Hawaii in the house? Perhaps we could get Rhode Island on the map for this one?!". So Pinstrosipeeps...give us the feedback who's license is the most crafty friendly here?! Cute lettering is a definite must! 
Happy Friday everyone!
P.S. Cute lettering really doesn't have anything to do with it, my marriage license really isn't all that special compared to anyone else's in the lettering department, but it is by far one of my most prized possessions because it says that my husband is mine forever, and well I can't think of a single thing more important than that.

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