Monday, April 23, 2012

Cocoa Syrup

Chocolate syrup runs a little on the pricey edge (for the good stuff), so I thought I'd see how this homemade chocolate syrup recipe someone pinned adds up against the store bought bottled stuff. 

The Original Pin
I followed the directions, using all the right measurements and times. I allowed the syrup to cool, then dipped me out a spoonful....

The Pinstrosity

It's okay. Not the best. Definitely not the bottled syrup you get from the store. It has a bit of a bitter aftertaste from the cocoa. So I knew I probably wouldn't be putting it over ice cream. But the site suggested using the syrup for chocolate milk or milkshakes. So I used the suggested syrup to milk ratio and it was kinda gross. So then I added more syrup and that helped some, but there was still that cocoa bitterness to it. And then the aftertaste was weird and it left my mouth feeling fuzzy. I'm not a fan. It's not bad syrup, and I might like it more as I get used to it, but right off the bat it doesn't really measure up to the bottled stuff one bit. Now that I have a jar of it though I don't want to waste it, so I'm going to try putting it in cookies and cakes...we'll see how that works out. In it's favor doesn't have the high fructose corn syrup.

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