Friday, May 31, 2013

What Is The Mediterranean Diet?

In 1993, the Harvard Medical School released the results of research that studied the diets of those countries bordering on the Mediterranean. Their findings suggested that fat and carbohydrates were NOT the main culprit in obesity and heart disease, but rather that the RIGHT fats and carbohydrates should be the base for a healthy diet. The study pointed to low rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease throughout the region as proof of their contention. 
Exactly what is the Mediterranean diet and can it help you lose weight? There actually is no 'Mediterranean' diet - it's a compilation of the way that people in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea eat. Despite the differences in actual specifics, all of those studied based their diets on the same proportions of food groups and calories, and all included olive oil as their main source of fat. In fact, their diets contained far more than the recommendations made by the USDA - 40% rather than the 30% recommended for most healthy Americans. Still, the evidence was irrefutable. Therefore, it must have been the KIND of carbohydrates and fats that make the difference. 
The Mediterranean diet consists of the following guidelines: 
60% Of Total Carbohydrates From Grains, Fruits And Vegetables 

Those include whole rice, fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain breads and cereals, polenta, pasta (made with whole grain, not refined white flour) 
Sparing Use of Red Meat, Fish And Poultry 

The typical adult Mediterranean consumes about 15 ounces of red meat and poultry per week. Another 5-15 ounces of fish per week account for the bulk of their meat protein intake. Compare that to the typical American diet which might include a 1 pound steak for dinner one night, a 1/2 pound chicken breast the next, and on and on. 
Olive Oil 

Olive oil is not a miracle oil. It is, however, mono-unsaturated - a good fat. Mono-unsaturated fats help lower cholesterol rather than raising it, and are healthy ways to add fats to your diet (and yes, even though we think of fat as a dirty word, your body does need some, or it can't use many of the vitamins you feed it!) 
The other important component of the Mediterranean lifestyle was activity. The typical Mediterranean day includes walking rather than driving, physical activity in the fields or the home and recreation. Physical activity is vital in helping the body to lose weight, and to maintain your new weight once you reach it. 
The secret to losing weight with the Mediterranean diet is to base your meals on healthy carbohydrates - leafy green vegetables, brightly colored vegetables, whole grains and meals. Use meat sparingly - no more than 3-6 ounces per day. Derive dietary fat from vegetable sources - or from fish oil. Exercise regularly to rev up your metabolism. The Mediterranean diet isn't a weight loss regimen. It's a new way of eating that will help you reach your goal weight and stay there when you get there.

What Is the Mediterranean Diet About?

What Is the Mediterranean Diet About

One of the most popular diets over the past twelve to fifteen years has been the Mediterranean diet.  This diet has definitely survived the label of “fad,” as it is still around and even growing in popularity, and “gimmick” is not a very accurate term since the Mediterranean diet is a full sized program that does not cheat you of any food group, but simply makes wiser choices in each category of the food pyramid.  Getting a precise, specific definition of the Mediterranean diet is a little difficult because the term Mediterranean keeps it from applying to just one country.  The Mediterranean diet still refers to the general traditional diets from the people living in the 1960's in countries like Greece, and Southern Italy.

The reason these nations in particular were being studied was because of the really noticeably low incidence of chronic diseases, not to mention the consistently amazingly high life-expectancy rates among the groups that stayed with this traditional diet.  What is even more amazing when nutritionists realized that the traditional Mediterranean diet receives as much as 40% of all its calories from fat.  Despite this, heart attacks were much rarer in this population than in about any other.

Part of the reason for this is olive oil.  Olive oil is a “monosaturated fatty acid,” which means that it does not have the same cholesterol-raising effect of saturated fats.  Olive oil is also a good source of antioxidants.  Eating fish a few times per week benefits the Mediterranean people by increasing the amount of "Omega-3 fatty acids," which is something that no other developed European society got enough of.  The other part of the Mediterranean diet is that they eat far less red meat, but more grains, fruits, legumes, vegetables, and olive oil.  This makes their diet much healthier than any North American or other European diet.

This diet is rich in healthy fats from fish, olive oil, nuts and seeds, and there are an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, too.  This diet is a rich source of essential fatty acids and antioxidants, a combination which can help improve cholesterol levels and protect heart health.  If you decide to pursue this diet, you can expect to eat a lot of yogurt with fruit and nuts, Pasta salad and fruit, fish with roast vegetables, Crackers and hummus, and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.  

The result of this is that you will increase your essential fatty acids with plenty of fish and healthy fats, lower your intake of red meat and processed foods, and improve cholesterol levels and lower risk of heart disease.  Not a bad deal, huh?  This is a diet that continues to be popular because it still allows for meat, pasta, taste, but it will lead you to a longer and healthier life.  This is one proven diet that is here to stay.

The Mediterranean Diet: What The Greeks Know About Healthy Cuisine

The Mediterranean Diet

Is there a painless way to lower cholesterol and lose weight? Can you eat your way there? Oh sure, you might say; but wait, consider the merits of the Mediterranean Diet. Virgin olive oil may be the perfect replacement for butter and margarine.

The Mediterranean Diet: What the Greeks Know about healthy cuisine

“If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.” -- Elbert Hubbard.

There are so many approaches to optimum wellness. Infomercials tell us about a variety of diet plans from pills and native plants to the benefits of liquid diets over conventional weight loss methods. What should you believe?

One of the clarion calls of caution is the old adage, “If it’s too good to be true - it probably is.”

The Mediterranean Diet relies solely on age old wisdom. Present research verification demonstrates that one man’s daily meal is another man’s trip to optimum wellness. 

In Greece, certain symptoms of heart disease are among the lowest in the world. It would seem that the largest body of current scientific research indicates that a diet high in fruits and veggies along with routine consumption of whole grains, legumes, fish, low fat dairy products, olive oil and nuts provide long term and protective health benefits.

With the Mediterranean diet you will find that optimal health is even more important than the accompanying weight loss. What native Greek’s have intuitively known for centuries has now been linked to scientific data that shows adherence to common Mediterranean diet practices may result in a reduction in heart disease, increased life expectancy and reduced risk of some cancers. The health benefits of olive oil have long been realized in Greece. 

The term “Mediterranean Diet” truly is a generic term because the diet in Greece remains varied. You will find influences from North Africa and Italy in many Greek dishes, however the island of Crete has proven a veritable treasure trove of health research. Residents of Crete have one of the lowest heart disease risks in the world. 

Interestingly, western culture is looking into the health benefits found in countries like Greece, but many of the younger population in Greece are seeking out western cuisine. The trend has proven somewhat antithetical to the wellness experienced by older Greeks. While parents are consuming melons, stuffed tomatoes, salads and yogurt, the younger Greek generation are consuming cookies, hamburgers, French fries, pizza and pop. The result is an increase in obesity among Greek’s youth culture - researchers expect to see an accompanying rise in heart disease in the years to come.

With the Mediterranean diet, butter is replaced with the health benefits of olive oil, fast food lunches are replaced by a variety of fresh vegetables - snacks of chocolate and colas are replaced by fresh fruit and nuts.

Perhaps the reason you don’t hear as much about the Mediterranean diet as you might other weight loss plans is that there is no special pill to buy, no special formula to drink and no 12-step meal plan to purchase.

The Mediterranean diet works because common sense prevails in eating choices and a rise in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) is an indicator they are doing something right. The health benefits of olive oil cannot be overstated and traditional Greek cooking utilizes garden fresh produce and extra virgin olive oil. In tandem, this common sense approach continues to see a lower incidence of heart disease and colon cancer along with an increase in life expectancy and a decrease in overall weight.

The Mediterranean diet!

The Mediterranean Diet

In a world where fast food and refined food is unfortunately becoming part of everyday life it is important now more than ever to be aware of what you are eating and how it affects your lifestyle. The word diet is often associated with weight loss but diet is actually a make up of what you eat more than how much you eat. What you eat can affect your mood,health and the confidence you have with yourself and your body. A healthy diet will allow you to lose weight naturally as your providing your body with nutrients and foods that it has been primed to handle over 1000's of years! One such healthy diet that will improve your lifestyle is the Mediterranean diet!

What is the Mediterranean diet? 

This diet follows the dietary habits of the Mediterranean region, namely Spain,Greece and Italy. You may have noticed that people from these parts tend to have a great figure and healthy glow and this is down to a diet that has been ingrained in the culture of these countries! The best thing about this style of eating is that the food is so scrumptious,healthy and filling and we all know how the Italians are about food - only the best will do!

How does this diet work?

The diet allows for olive oil,fresh fruits and vegetables,unrefined grains,plenty of fish,a moderate amount of meat and dairy products and of course - a little hint of wine! This diet is often known at the point where "good food" meets "good health" ! 

The diet is very unrestricted and is simply based on using fresh food sources and not using refined or processed foods. There are many delicious meals and recipes out there and if you are new to this type of eating be prepared for some exciting,exotic and delicious meals! There are also many more benefits of the Mediterranean diet!

Benefits of this style of eating!

While the Mediterranean style of eating has been known about for some time it was only in the 90's that it started to gain the recognition it deserves. This was mainly due research showing that there were very low cases of heart and health issues in the Mediterranean region compared to that of the United States! This was despite the supposedly high fat content of the Mediterranean way of eating compared to that in the States.

However research has shown that the high fat content in the Mediterranean diet is made up of HEALTHY fats that are extremely beneficial to your health and improve your skin,mood and general health. This also makes the food more filling and satiates ones appetite for much longer reducing hunger and the chance of overeating. The elimination of refined foods means your body is able to partition all food you are consuming and your not subject to quick insulin spikes and crashes know commonly as "sugar rushes". This means less hunger pans and more energy! 

Anyone who wants to improve their health,lifestyle and energy levels should trully consider the Mediterranean way of eating. The diet is filled with nutrients,minerals,vitamins and anti-oxidants that all combine to form a healthy (and tasty) diet that combined with regular exercise will be sure to improve your lifestyle!

Olive Oil, An Ancient Gift For Health

Olive Oil, An Ancient Gift For Health

Scientists are always looking to plants to find medicinal and therapeutic secrets. Discoveries of natural compounds within the olive tree and olives, provide promising health and medical benefits. Organic olive oil has significant health related properties that have spanned centuries and cultures in the Mediterranean.

The Mediterranean olive dates back 6000 years and was native to Iran, Syria and Palestine (Asia Minor). From there it spread to the Mediterranean basin. It is one of the earliest known cultivated trees. According to the Bible, an olive leaf was that which a dove brought back to Noah, as an indication the great flood waters were abating.

The olive tree thrives best in a sunny position and climate. A rocky subsoil suits it well. The trunk is knotty, hard, and gnarled, the bark smooth and ash colored. Olive wood is valuable for its durability and is crafted into many items such as gourmet cooking utensils. The olive tree experiences slow growth, but it lives very long. It is reported that the olive trees on Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, are over 2000 years old. It is commonly believed the Bible passage of “the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine,” refers to the olive tree. Olive leaves are silver grey-green, and possesses the health qualities of “olive leaf extract” which is pressed from them. Extracted from olive leaves is a bitter substance named oleuropein. In the 1960’s researchers reported that oleuropein lowered blood pressure in animals, this caused immediate medicinal interest in the olive leaf. There are new studies that indicate olive leaf extract may be a natural preventative against the common cold and flu.

The olive is believed to be a source of wealth for the Minoan Kingdom. Egyptians tombs dating back as far as 2000 BC have been proved to contain olives. The Greeks spread the usage of olives to the Romans who, in turn, spread it across their vast empire. The use of olive oil has been advocated by many religions and cultures. The early Greek Kings were anointed with olive oil. It was also used to anoint winning Olympic athletes. Across many cultures, olive oil is recognized for healthy benefits for both the inner and outward body.

Some research indicates extra-virgin olive oil is the most digestible of the edible fats. Olive oil also it helps to assimilate vitamins A, D and K in the human body. Benefits of consuming olive oil include slowing down the aging process and helps liver, bile, and intestinal functions. Olive oil is valued for its culinary attributes and organoleptic virtues, these being: flavor, bouquet or aroma, and color. Various grades of olive oil are derived from the time of pressing. Earlier pressings are regarded as better quality. Cold pressed olive oil is a pressing process requiring no heat or chemicals, which destroy vital nutrients. This olive oil is generally the best to use for cooking and healthy cuisine.

Olive oil has been extensively used in cooking and forms an integral part of the basic Mediterranean diet. It is a healthier substitute to butter. Strong and pungent flavored olive oils are great for frying fish or other items having a strong flavor. Extra virgin olive oil goes well with salads. A late harvest mission variety olive oil, which is mellow, can be used for baking cakes. Gourmet olive oil is a healthier and tastier substitute to other fatty cooking oils. The health benefits of cold pressed olive oil already have federal agency approval. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized marketing ads that say organic olive oil helps reduce the risk of coronary disease and disorders.

Given below is a simple recipe for olive oil bread dipping sauce.

Bread Dipping Sauce

Servings : 2 - 4
Preparation time : 10 minutes


½ cup virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, minced (Italian parsley is best)
1 tablespoon fresh basil, minced
½ teaspoon fresh rosemary, minced
1 tablespoon fresh garlic, minced
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon black pepper
¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes, crushed well
1/8 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
Salt, to taste


Heat the olive oil in a pan. Add the garlic and sauté till it changes color. Add all the other ingredients and cook for about 2 – 3 minutes. Remove from the heat. Serve as a bread dip.

Mediterranean Diet Information

Mediterranean Diet Information

Mediterranean diet is basically the dietary traditions followed by the people of Greece, Spain and southern Italy who live around the Mediterranean Sea. It has been studied by an American Dr Ancel Keys when he landed in Greece in 1945. He discovered that the people of Greece and Spain had longer life expectancy and didn’t have any major health problem.

Their diet mainly consists of lots of food from plant sources freshly eaten minimally processed, locally grown, and seasonal and very little food from animal sources

Foods mainly are fresh fruits, vegetables, sea fresh fish, herbs, bread, grains, nuts and seeds, non refined oils like olive oil which is 25% to 35% of fat consumed and low consumption of saturated fats, moderate consumption of cheese and yoghurt, honey and fresh fruits for desserts, lots of fresh fish and non refined cereals. 

Vegetables consumed should be at least 1 pound and red meat consumed sparingly only. Lots of physical activity and consumption of wine if taken should only be 1 glass for women and 2 glasses for men daily with meals.

Fruits are mainly grapes, raisins olives, avocado, strawberries, raspberries, currant, blue berries grapes, black olives, orange, apple, pear, figs, pomegranates, dates, passion fruits, cherry, apricot, grapefruit, peach, prunes, quince, bergamot and plums.

Vegetables are spinach, lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, white peach, bell pepper, carrot, beetroot, tomato, onion, shallots, scallions, green onion, celery, eggplant, capers, cucumber, lemon, Zucchini, white and red cabbage, mushroom, grapevine leaves, artichokes, potatoes, sweet corn and gherkin.
Grains are mainly pasta, couscous, rice, polenta, bulgur etc.

Legumes are carob, peas, beans, lima beans, chickpea and lentils.
Herbs and spices used are anise, basil, bay leaves, borage, peppercorns, garlic, chilies, chamomile, chervil, chives, dill, fennel, lavender, marjoram, mint, nutmeg, oregano, parsley, sesame seeds, rosemary, sage, savory, sorrel, tarragon, and thyme, vanilla, mahaleb, red saffron, masticha, cinnamon, clove, coriander, cumin and caraway.

Cheese used are mainly from sheep and goats milk - bocconcini, edam, feta, halloumi, kasseri, kefalograviera, kefalotyri, roquefort cheese, mozzarella, mitzithra, manouri, manchego, peciino toscano , mascarpone, parmesan, and pecorino, anthotyro, xynotyri, ladotyri, anevato and batzos.

Nuts are almonds, fennel, poppy, sesame, pistachio nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts and chestnuts.

Fish and fillets are herring, salmon, trout, tuna, anchovies, sardines, mackerels, cod, and carp. Sea foods like octopus, clams, mussels and squids are also eaten.A wide variety of these foods consumed daily has been found to be very good for the heart as well.

Mediterranean Diet Lunch Options - What Can You Have?

Mediterranean Diet Lunch Options - What Can You Have

When it comes to Mediterranean diet lunch options, then there are actually a whole host of things that you can have that are not only tasty, but also allow you to stick to your diet. The truth of the matter is that this diet does not have to be bland or involve you only being able to eat the same things over and over again, so what kind of things can you eat and lose weight at the same time?

Clearly you need to keep in mind that this particular diet means that you can only eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables along with lean protein and finally some healthy fats, but it does mean that there are a lot of options available for lunch. Obviously thanks to being allowed protein it does mean that you do not have to be a vegetarian to really enjoy this diet, so the following ideas may prove popular with a number of people.

First, you may like to consider having some kind of soup and something as simple as lentil or tomato will certainly taste great and also fill you up. This is easy enough to make and you can certainly spice it up a bit by adding in some pepper or saffron in the lentil resulting in a tasty lunch that you will love, but do also remember that any soup will really do and at least there are a number of options available.

If soup is not your thing, then there is the option of making a nice salad for your lunch and clearly there are a number of ways in which you can do this. If you would like to stick to the Mediterranean style salad, then do consider using oranges and olives along with lettuce and onions and make a simple dressing using olive oil and lemon juice just to give it some extra tang and make it taste even better. In addition to this, you may prefer to go Greek and throw in feta cheese along with more greens with this being a rather nice lunch that is not too heavy, but will certainly fill you.

However, if you want to include some protein, then eating chicken is certainly one of the best options available when it comes to lunch and indeed you may wish to include some strips of chicken breast in a salad in order to bulk it up and get you some of your protein intake. Another option is to include fish in your lunch, so there is no reason why you cannot stop at some place for some seafood including olives and feta cheese with this being truly Mediterranean along with it being full of everything that you need in regard to nutrients for the day.

Those are just some Mediterranean diet lunch options for you to consider and you should be able to take some of those basic ingredients and come up with something amazing for your lunch every single day of the week. This particular diet does work and at least it keeps your taste buds interested in what you are eating and when this happens it does make it more likely that you will not only stick to the diet, but succeed in losing weight as well.

Breakfast options for a balanced Mediterranean Diet

balanced Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet is so called because it is focused more around the intake of classic foods coming straight from the cities of Mediterranean region that is Greece, Spain and Italy. This diet regime is very effective if you are aiming to lose weight, as it includes food options that are low on cholesterol yet high on fatty acids and fiber.Following are the most commonly recommended Mediterranean breakfast options you are most welcome to try out:

Scrambled eggs and toast:
A Mediterranean diet consists of eggs as a vital component, mostly because it contains just the right blend of protein, zinc, iron and vitamin B. There can be numerous ways of making eggs as a part your breakfast, be it omelette loaded with vegetables, scrambled eggs or egg white dishes, depending on what you prefer. However, it is important that you do not use bacon grease or animal fat to fry them. A slice or two of whole wheat non-buttered toast on the side to pair it with your main dish complements your meal in the best way possible.

Cereal and fruits:
Taking a bowl of whole-grain cereal with some low-fat milk to go along, can serve as the ideal carbohydrate intake to start your day with. Add a large bowl of chopped fruits including strawberries, pineapples and bananas that will give you the necessary doze of calcium, Vitamin A, zinc and vitamin C on one hand, while increasing your adult life expectancy and reducing your chances to be prone to cardiovascular diseases, on the other.

Yogurt and apricot:
The main emphasis of Mediterranean diet is on low fat dairy products and hence plain Greek yogurt can be used as an easy substitute for your regular yogurt as it tends to contain approximately twice the amount of protein that will keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Ripe apricot that acts as a natural anti-oxidant can be topped with honey and roasted pistachio nuts for added goodness.

Whole grain pancakes:
Whole grains are rich in essential fibers, proteins and healthy anti oxidants that reduces your risk of cancer, heart diseases, muscular degradation, stroke and boosts the immune system. Pancakes combined with grated, chopped or mashed vegetables and fruits such as blueberries, zucchini, bananas, sweet potatoes, apple, carrots, cranberries and raisins increase the nutrient value. Slap on some maple syrup for the deliciousness.

Sandwich and Smoothies:
Use Rosemary Focaccia bread for preparing the sandwich which is a kind of Italian bread containing no saturated fat or cholesterol and is high in Vitamin B12. Combine it with a thin slice of goat cheese, fresh tomato and basil leaves to obtain the perfect Mediterranean diet sandwich for your breakfast meal. Goat cheese has low sodium density and calorie count that takes care of bowel health. Pair up your healthy sandwich with a large glass of home made smoothie by taking fresh pomegranate juice combined with your favorite assorted berries and apple juice with a pinch of flax seed. Add ice cubes and you are ready to go.

A Delicious Companion To Good Health - The Olive Oil Story

health benefits of olive oil

The health benefits of olive oil in the Mediterranean diet has become more than a novel observation. Clinical research is substantiating healthy benefits, but the gourmet tastes and flavors are bonuses well worth mentioning too.

“The… patient should be made to understand that he or she must take charge of his own life. Don’t take your body to the doctor as if he were a repair shop.” -- Quentin Regestein

Highly favored as a cooking oil, or for use in a variety of classic dressings, olive oil is being touted in some quarters as a delicious companion to good health. Research on the health benefits of olive oil is impressive, so is the affects of the Mediterranean diet.

Recent Findings

Olive Oil as a Cholesterol Reducer 

Compared to American cuisine, especially the snack and fast foods prevalent in the US, the Mediterranean Diet has intrigued the medical world. The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published findings that indicate the introduction of olive oil into our regular diet has demonstrated a reduction in LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). This is significant because once LDL cholesterol has oxidized it often results in artery rigidity and accompanying heart disease.

Olive Oil in Cancer Prevention

In a comparison study at the University Hospital Germans Trias Pujol in Barcelona there seems to be an indication that the health benefits of olive oil may also be useful in the prevention or slowing of cancer cells. In the study, lab rats were introduced to a carcinogen that resulted in cancerous tumors. The study provides evidence that a diet similar to the Mediterranean diet, rich in olive oil prevents colonic carcinogenesis reducing precancerous tissue which resulted in fewer tumors when compared to a controlled sample of rats ingesting foods containing other types of cooking oils.

Researchers at Oxford University in England have seen indications that olive oil may actually be as good for our digestive system as fresh fruit and vegetables in preventing or reducing the incidence of colon cancer. While red meat seems to be linked to the development of colon cancer, fish and olive oil seemed to reduce the incidence of colon cancer. The reasons behind this phenomena are still being considered, but it is believed that the olive oil may help regulate the bile acid in the stomach while increasing useful enzymes within the stomach that contribute to optimal colon health.

Olive Oil and Heart Health

The American Heart Association has also noted that consumption of olive oil has “clear health benefits”. 

Olive Oil and Lower Blood Pressure

By substituting virgin olive oil for other fats within your diet, the Archives of Internal Medicine indicates a substantial reduction in drug dosage requirements for the management of high blood pressure. Initial findings indicate dosage reductions could be as high as 50%.

Additional Findings

By lowering the level of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) there is an increase of the HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). The antioxidant effects of olive oil have also been widely reported and are effective in reducing free radicals within the body that may prove to be a causal agent in pre cancerous and cancerous growth.

Additional health benefits of olive oil may be found in a Mediterranean diet which explores the varied uses of olive oil in both food preparation as well as additional balanced meal choices. Combined, olive oil and appropriate food choice seem to enhance the overall health of those subscribing to the Mediterranean diet.

Final Word

While studies remain ongoing, it is encouraging to note that something that has long been noted for good taste may also be a link to positive health benefits and longevity of life. An adaptation of the Mediterranean diet may be a healthy, yet palatable change well worth considering.

5 Healthy Benefits of Following a Mediterranean Diet Plan

Fast Weight Loss

The Mediterranean diet has been around for centuries, but if you don't live in countries where this diet is prevalent such as Greece or Italy, you may not realize the many benefits of eating healthy foods "Mediterranean" style. According to studies, the Mediterranean diet encourages healthy weight loss and helps to reduce risks of many life-threatening diseases. Below are five of the top benefits of following this diet.

1. Fast Weight Loss

One of the key benefits of the Mediterranean diet is fast weight loss. This is not from the results of a diet pill or a crash starvation diet, but from healthy, portion-controlled eating. Weight loss rates will vary, but some have reported losing an average of 10 pounds per month. Delicious diet recipes are often provided when following the Mediterranean diet that help to speed up the weight loss process without depriving you of much needed vitamins and nutrients. Losing weight alone can offer many health benefits.

2. Good Heart Health

The delicious diet recipes provided while following a Mediterranean diet are all designed to promote good heart health. The Mediterranean diet consists of healthy doses of olive oil, fruits and vegetables, and oily fish. With some participants, a moderate amount of wine is consumed with meals. All these help to lower cholesterol and keep the blood flow to the heart at a normal level, thus, reducing the risk of heart disease tremendously.

3. Lower Cancer Risks

Having too many toxins in the body can cause some types of cancer, such as breast cancer. Eating the types of healthy foods promoted in the Mediterranean diet such as fruits and vegetables will lower the amount of toxins in the body because these foods are natural antioxidants.

4. Prevent Gallstones

Those who have fallen victim to gall stones realize how painful they can be. With around 639,000 people being hospitalized per year with gallstones, many studies are being conducted to help find a cause and cure. The Mediterranean diet is rich in nuts, vegetable oil, and fish. Though gallstones are not always diet-related, consuming these foods can help to reduce the risk of gall stones or eliminate them altogether for some according to recent studies.

5. Lower Blood Pressure

The healthy foods in a Mediterranean diet can also work to lower and regulate blood pressure. Blood cholesterol levels can return to normal when eating less fatty foods and salt, and more healthy vitamins and minerals. Cooking procedures on a Mediterranean diet usually involve roasting or grilling rather than frying, so more nutrients are retained in the food during preparation, and there is much less fat consumption.

These are only a few of the benefits. The Mediterranean diet also offers many other benefits such as reducing the risks of blood clotting, diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, and other life-threatening diseases. Don't deprive yourself. Start eating delicious diet recipes on the Mediterranean diet for healthy weight loss today.

Selecting Fitness Equipment That is Right For You

Fitness Equipment

So congratulations are in order. You are serious this time. True, your body hasn't gone entirely south on you yet and you are only looking to shed about 8 pounds and firm up that used to be three pack abs but your commitment is shining and bright and you want to find yourself the latest and best exercise equipment. Muddling through fitness equipment is a workout of its own. According to television and print media reports, everything out there is not only the most effective and will provide you with the fastest results, but it is also designed by some super hot shot NASA engineer and requires—get this—no effort on your part! How fabulous is that? All you have to do is spend $300 to $3000 on the newest and best and it will do the work for you! I should be committed for going swimming 6 days a week.

So, we have already established that we cant really believe a whole mess of information related to the vast quantity of fitness equipment as it is advertised. The fitness industry is by far one of the most profitable industries to get into. People want to be in better shape. They want to look better and younger, and being in good shape is definitely one of the ways to master that. But of course, that takes a dedicated effort. It also takes an understanding of your body and how your body works. Because heres the basic truth regarding all that fitness and weight loss equipment—it all works. It does. If you use it regularly, you will see results. The basics of weight loss and fitness are pretty simple. You have to expend more energy than you consume, and then you have to spend a little time building up the appropriate muscle groups in order to get some tone. Heres the little secret nobody ever likes to explain when they are so busy telling you about their fabulous product—people need to approach weight loss and fitness with the same attitude as anything else. Personalization gets results. Your body and my body operate differently. So I may drop ten quick pounds by hanging out with the cardio equipment three days a week while you might not see any results at all for weeks on end. Who wants that? Thats enough to drive you back to the couch with a case of Krispy Kremes. By the way, whoever thought it was a good idea to open up a Krispy Kreme store anywhere within a fifty mile vicinity of my house is not on my Christmas list this year.

Many people go to a personal consultant to help them understand their own body type and how it works in response to exercise. But this can get quite costly. A little bit of experimentation can get you on the right track. It might not be as effective as talking to a professional, but some of us have to do what we can do, right? In everybodys life, there are times when weight loss seems to be easier than others, even if in only miniscule amounts. Of course, nothing drops the pounds off like some seriously intensive oral surgery, but were looking for long term results with a long term plan. Those who tend to drop off a little weight when theyre very busy, running here and there and slap dashing through housework just to get it done, are more likely to benefit from cardio. Some people who have difficulties with cardio weight loss do better by doing longer workouts less frequently. Some people see results by doing 30 minutes daily while others benefit more from doing 90 minutes three times per week. There is no magic cure. Others eat away their unused calories best when they bulk up a little oxygenated muscle and would do better with weight lifting or resistance fitness equipment rather than cardio. 

For people who are fifteen pounds overweight or less, the most basic rule rings true on a consistent frequency. Use the equipment regularly and the results will follow. For those who are more than twenty pounds overweight, results may be frustratingly slow with this method, but the method still works. There is no short cut to fitness. Youre going to have to break a sweat. Well designed machines can help you do that, and spending the money on them can help keep you committed as nobody likes to flush $500 on a machine that sits in a corner collecting dust particles. The actual effort, despite the fact the manufacturer promised effortless weight loss, has to come from you. It has to be more than a passing thought or a good intention. Schedule your workout times the same way you schedule meetings with your boss. Theres no excluding them. Once you get these mental hurdles conquered, you can pick out the machine or fitness equipment that you feel will do your body the most good while not having to remortgage the house.

Passionate Thinking Will Bring You Ripped Abs

ab exercises

The best way to stay motivated about losing weight is not to focus on which ab workout you're trying or which crazy diet you're on.  Don't think about all the sacrifices you're making by not eating that chocolate cake or missing a rerun of your favorite tv show to go on a walk.  Instead focus on the reasons you want to lose weight in the first place.  

Do you want to better your health? Get a nicer looking body? Those are the reasons most of us have for wanting to lose weight. The most important thing to fully understand is the "why am I doing this?" And "what is in it for me?" Am I looking for overnight successes or can I have a healthy body all my life.  Ask yourself these questions and keep the answers in mind on your weight loss journey.

It takes effort to accomplish anything in life, and it also takes change. One of the hardest things to overcome can just be changing your everyday habits. To change your habits, you've got to change the 
way you think.  Most of your weight loss battle will be fought in  your mind, and not in the gym or on the track. 

One way to stay motivated is to find a picture of a great, healthy body that you would love to have. Print out this picture and put it in your purse or wallet.  Others will be more motivated by keeping a
picture close to them of what they look like right now--the 'before' photo.  Along with whatever picture you choose, write down your goals and some affirmations: "I will be 10 pounds lighter by July 4th." 
"I will fit into that bikini this summer." "My spouse will tell me I look amazing." These are just examples, write down what works best for you.

When you've selected a few of your personal phrases, they'll start to trigger your new positive frame of mind.  Say these statements to yourself in the morning when you wake up and before every meal. Never
miss them, this will help change your life, and for the better--much better.

Nutrition Notes on Weight Loss Supplements and Diet Pills

Weight Loss Supplements

More and more spend hundred and even thousands of dollars yearly on weight loss supplements in the hope of speeding up their metabolism.  The main desire is to be attractive and accepted but it is becoming a more difficult goal to achieve.  The fitness industry is booming but still a lot of people are unable to cut those fat in spite of all the exercise and diet efforts.  In America, more than sixty per cent of adults are overweight and thirty per cent are considered obese.  This is because: one, a lot of weight loss products promises unrealistic goals; two, dietary supplement manufacturers rely on the overweight person’s failure to survive; and three, the information about the supplements in the market are just written by themselves just to make a sell.  

Although the Food and Drug Administration has successfully banned illegal marketers, some products are still available.  Consumers can be deceived of the labels which claims caffeine or ephedra fee not knowing that these supplements composes of other ingredients that may pose the same health risks.  These include heart and digestive problems, headaches, insomnia, and even psychological side effects.

Other supplement manufacturers say that their products contains EGCG which is a phytochemical ingredient found in green tea.  This so-called component claims to speed up metabolism but in reality poses to reduce the risk of cancer.  Some studies denote that it could slightly increase the potential to burn calories and now can be found in many weight loss supplements.  It has good points on the other hand since the body might conform to EGCG after a period of time.  Eve the weight loss benefit could sum up to 60 to 70 calories a day.  This helps prevent excessive weight gain.  

A few other significant effects of weight loss supplements is that it may contain ingredients that makers claim will prevent the absorption of carbohydrates.  One good example is Chitosan, which appears most promising, which in fact shows no positive result in fat absorption.  It could even take up to seven months for men to lose just a pound of body fat and for women, there is no fat loss at all.  Thyroid supplements act as thyroid replacements help regulate and optimize the thyroid at a higher level.  This they say makes the body feel like a couch potato and won’t perform the job it has to.

Diet Pills. According to manufacturers, diet pills use natural ingredients capable of prolonging life and containing alcohol used in medication or flavoring.  One thing’s for sure, never take diet pills as substitute for cutting calories without the doctor’s recommendation.  There are simple but important steps to be followed when taking diet pills:

1.Never crush diet pills to mix in drinks or soups.  Take it whole with a full glass of water.

2.Diet pills causes a person to urinate more frequently due to its diuretic effect.  This could lead to dehydration, thus, causing complications.  As a pre-caution, it is best to drink eight glasses of water everyday while on diet pills.

3.Take only the recommended dosage.  Taking more than required will not help you lose weight but increase the risk of side effects.

4.Heartbeat should be less than 86 beats per minute.  Stop taking the pills if it reaches 90 or higher that is why regular checking of pulse is a must.

5.Always follow the instructions set by the dietician and/or doctor and not only rely on what’s enclosed in the box.  Also diet pills will only work as expected if diet plan is being followed.

6.After three months, stop taking the diet pills.  Common diet phenylpropanolamine is safe to use only up to sixteen weeks.  Other studies show that it can cause health problems if taken under one month.

Measuring And Monitoring Your Body Fat: Improves Overall Health

Body Fat Measuring

With so many diets and fads being offered on the market today, it is no wonder why people are not just confused about weight loss and health, but in many cases, actually doing their body more harm than good. Unfortunately, one of the aspects of dieting that you see most often is the reduction or elimination of fat. The problem is that the body needs a certain amount of fat to function but without going over a healthy level. As you will see in this article, knowing what the right level is and how to monitor it are crucial to overall health and wellness. 

Studies have been able to link certain conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure with high levels of body fat. The key is to ensure your body has enough fat to function properly but not too much, whereby disease could become a problem. The best way for a person to determine the level of body fat is by measuring it on a consistent basis with a simple tool called a caliper. In a matter of minutes, you will know exactly how much body fat you are carrying around with you. With this information, you will then be able to adjust your diet, cardio exercises, and weight training to bring the fat-to-muscle ratio in line. 

Keep in mind that there are several options, one being a body fat analyzer. Additionally, there is the skin fold test whereby waist to hip ratio measurements will be taken, circumference measurements, hydrostatic weight, near infrared analysis, bioelectrical impedance, total body potassium determination, and a test recently offered called the plethysmographic measurement, which is based on the principle of air displacement. All of these tests are good indicators of your current fat-to-muscle ratio. 

Now, if you want to go through a professional to determine your true body fat level, you have two excellent options, both being accurate. The first is the Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) and the second, Hydrostatic Weighing. With DEXA, a full body scanner is used that reads and differentiates between bone mass and soft tissue mass. This type of scan can be completed in about 20 minutes and is painless, providing accuracy within a 2% error margin. Many insurance companies will cover the cost of DEXA but if not, you can have the scan performed for around $100. 

With Hydrostatic Weighing, the body is weighed underwater. The test consists of sitting on a scale underneath water while blowing out as much air from your lungs as possible. Then when dunked below the water’s surface, you would blow out even more air. Because fat does not weigh as much as water, the more fat a person’s body has, the more they will float. Therefore, Hydrostatic Weighing works by measuring underwater weight so that body density can be determined. 

On the other hand, if you want to have the option of determining your fat-to-muscle ratio on your own and every day if you like, you can simply purchase a caliper from drug stores, health equipment stores, and even on the internet. Just remember that if you are interested in losing weight, instead of depending on the bathroom scale, it is important that you worry more about the excess fat being carried. While a standard scale will tell you if you are losing weight from diet and exercise, a scale will not tell if you are losing the body’s muscle or fat. 

Understanding how to measure and monitor your body fat gives you a level of control to your future. The problem is that the majority of people know very little about their bodies. To become and stay healthy, you need to understand your body - how it works and what your body composition is so you can make choices that will be best for your overall health and wellness. Again, the best way to achieve this is to incorporate good diet, cardio exercise, and moderate weight training into your daily routine, along with measuring your fat-to-muscle ratio with a caliper. 

While there are many different websites that provide you with valuable information and guidance, one of the best is Composition Tracker. With more than 25 different body fat formulas from which to choose, you will feel confident knowing you can and will succeed with losing unwanted fat. Composition Tracker offers tremendous benefit to all types of people, whether you are a man, woman, teenager, or elderly person. To gain more information and to get started today.

Lose Weight-Tone Abs With Electronic Muscle Stimulator? Can Body Fat Melt Away?

electronic muscle stimulator

You have probably seen plenty of advertisements extolling how Electronic Abdominal Stimulators can melt your belly fat fast and quickly. Most of these advertisements will also claim that their electronic abs stimulators can also flatten your tummy to reveal your six pack abs muscle. They even claim that by using electronic abs stimulators for X minutes is better that 300 sit ups or crunches, so you can say bye bye to diets and exercise forever. Too good to be true?

On the other hand, you may also have come across many articles and messages from the health and fitness industry or from your fitness personal trainers who refute the advertisers claiming that the only way to get a flat tummy with well defined six pack abs muscle is through healthy eating and exercise. Now that is hard work isn’t it? So you will rather take a chance with an electronic abs stimulator won’t you? 

So who is telling the truth? Ok, instead of joining in the controversy, this article points out what the authorities such as U.S. Food and Drug Administration has got to say. Below is an excerpt from U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA Consumer magazine July-August 2002. You can read the full report at :-

“In May, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed complaints against three manufacturers of these devices, alleging that they have made false claims in their advertising, seen in heavily aired infomercials on national cable television, shorter television commercials, and ads in the print media.

The unfounded claims cited by the FTC include the promise of "six pack" or "washboard" abs without exercise, claims that the devices will give users a trimmer waist or cause fat loss, and that use of the device is equivalent to (or better than) regular abdominal exercises, such as sit-ups or crunches. The FTC complaints also allege that the advertising claimed falsely that the stimulators are safe for all to use, and did not disclose adequately the possible health hazards for some people.

Q. Why does the FDA regulate electrical muscle stimulators?

A. Electrical muscle stimulators are considered medical devices under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Under this law and the agency's regulations, the FDA is responsible for regulating the sale of all electrical muscle stimulators in the United States. Therefore, firms must comply with appropriate FDA premarket regulatory requirements before they can legally sell their stimulators. Most electrical muscle stimulators (EMS devices) that have been reviewed by the FDA are intended for use in physical therapy and rehabilitation under the direction of a health-care professional. If a company wants to sell EMS devices directly to consumers, the company needs to show the FDA that the device can be used safely and effectively in that setting.

Q. These electrical muscle stimulators are advertised not only to tone, firm, and strengthen abdominal muscles, but also to provide weight loss, girth reduction, and "rock hard" abs. Do they really work?

A. While an EMS device may be able to temporarily strengthen, tone or firm a muscle, no EMS devices have been cleared at this time for weight loss, girth reduction, or for obtaining "rock hard" abs.

Q. Is the FDA concerned about the unregulated marketing of these devices?

A. Yes. The FDA has received reports of shocks, burns, bruising, skin irritation, and pain associated with the use of some of these devices. There have been a few recent reports of interference with implanted devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators. Some injuries required hospital treatment. The FDA is also concerned because many of these devices have cables and leads. If those cables and leads do not comply with electrical safety standards, there is the possibility that users and other household members could be electrocuted. The FDA is currently investigating firms that are illegally marketing EMS devices.

Q. What does FDA regulation accomplish?

A. Before they may legally sell their devices, firms that market EMS devices must be able to demonstrate that these products are as safe and as effective as similar devices that are legally marketed. Devices may be marketed only for uses that are established for the device or for uses that the firm can support with data. At this time, the FDA is not aware of scientific information to support many of the promotional claims being made for numerous devices being widely promoted on television, infomercials, newspapers, and magazines.

Q. Does that mean that it's unsafe to use an electrical muscle stimulator that has not met FDA requirements?

A. Using a product that has not met FDA requirements isn't necessarily unsafe or dangerous. But it could be. Unregulated devices also may have safety problems associated with cables and leads that can lead to accidental shock and electrocution of users and other household members, including children.

Q. If I use an electrical muscle stimulator, will it give me the same kind of effect that lots of sit-ups, stomach crunches and other abdominal exercises will?

A. Using these devices alone will not give you "six-pack" abs. Applying electrical current to muscles may cause them to contract. Stimulating muscles repeatedly with electricity may eventually result in muscles that are strengthened and toned to some extent but will not, based on currently available data, create a major change in your appearance without the addition of weight loss and regular exercise.”

Now, who is telling the truth about electronic muscle stimulator being able to melt tummy fat and reveal your six pack abs? Well, you be the judge and come to your own verdict.

Exercise is the key to helping you lose weight


Many people make the mistake of thinking that the way to lose weight is to control what they eat – if only you could avoid those damned chocolate cream cakes, everything would be alright in the world! At the same time, these people often see thinner people scoffing those same foods and get very jealous: ‘why aren’t you fat by now if you eat like that?’

The answer, of course, is exercise. Exercise is a far more potent weapon against fat than changing your diet – it literally burns it off you. If you exercise enough, you can be burning more calories than you could ever hope to consume, leaving you free to fulfil that old diet promise of eating absolutely anything you want.

Sometimes people are put off exercising, believing that they don’t have the time or the money to join the gym or take some other form of regular exercise, but in reality it’s just not true. I’m sure you walk somewhere at some point in your day – jog instead. And you could no doubt manage a few sit-ups while you’re watching the TV of an evening. If you have a dog, take it for longer walks – this has the added bonus of making your dog very happy.

You see, the best forms of exercise are the ones you can do every day, like going up stairs instead of taking the lift, or parking towards the back of the car park when you go to the supermarket. These are easy changes to make that take very little time and effort, but can begin to pay huge dividends quite quickly when it comes to your weight. Then, once you’ve made that first step towards fitness, it’s much easier to find the energy and motivation to really go for it.

Discover How to Easily Read Nutrition Labels

Nutrition Labels

There are so many nutrients in food, so many ingredients, so many facts to know about what’s supposedly good for you and what’s supposedly not? Fortunately for all of us, the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) created a standardized format for the nutrition label that all processed and/or packaged consumer foods must affix to the outside of their product. So, no matter what the food, you can easily compare its value to you with that of any other food.

There are 3 fundamental areas to look for first on a nutrition label, and they’re all conveniently grouped together near the top, just under the title “Nutrition Facts”. 

What is the Serving Size: standardized amount (like cups or tablespoons or pieces) followed by the equivalent amount in the metric system (such as grams). In general 

How Many Servings Per Container: Most packaged foods contain multiple servings in a single package, making it easy to double, triple, quadruple, etc. the caloric intake from that of a single serving.

What are the Amount of Calories Per Serving: Typically, a single serving of around 40 calories is considered low-calorie, around 100 is considered moderate, and 400 is considered high-calorie. 

Keeping tabs on the amount of servings you take in, based on the caloric intake per serving, is one great way to manage your weight. Another is to balance out eating high-calorie foods with some low-calorie foods earlier or later in the day.

The next step to using nutrition labels to help control your weight is to get the most nutrition out of the calories you take in. 

Use the Percentage Daily Value to tell you how rich in each of the required nutrients the food really is. Daily values are based on a 2000-calorie diet. 5% or less of a nutrient’s %DV is low, 20% or more of a nutrient’s %DV is high. Limit your amount of Total Fat, Cholesterol, and Sodium. No daily requirement exists for Trans-Fats (the most dangerous kind), though their quantity per serving does appear on the label; so just be sure to keep them to an absolute minimum. Make sure to get plenty of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, and Iron.

Once you have gathered all the information you need, you simply ask yourself if a food choice is a wise choice for you in terms of both calories and nutrients, and whether it makes more sense for you as part of a meal or as a standalone snack. If the answers to these questions don’t satisfy you for a particular food, then the next question to ask yourself is whether you can find a suitable alternative. The answer that question is almost invariably, ‘Yes’.

Cardiovascular Effort for Excellent Health

Cardiovascular Effort for Excellent Health

No matter who you are in the world, your body needs aerobic exercise. A healthy body and high quality way of life needs it. It has a number of pros and will help you feel greater in all areas of your life. So how can you benefit from aerobic exercise?

Anaerobic exercise is not like aerobic in that it is often shorter in length and greater in intensity. With anaerobics the body gets tired faster and muscles are created more actively. A variety of sports are categorized as anaerobic activities: soccer, downhill skiing, weight lifting, basketball, and football. Running or sprinting is another one. Anaerobic exercise will boost the possibility of the body being sore.

To imagine that often we don't do aerobic exercise is crazy because of it's number of perks. It helps control and reduces body fat, increases our total endurance, gives us more energy, assists in our resilience to exhaustion, increases our muscles, and raises our lean body mass. It also helps us mentally by improving mood, lowering anxiety, reducing depression, reducing tension, and having us sleep good at night. Who can't benefit a little from all that?These are pros that people would all use.

An aerobics class could be a good beginning for people who want to reap the rewards of aerobic exercise and aren't positive how to start. Both high and low intensity work outs are available in an aerobics class. The teacher should  show class members how to perform these moves either way. The amount of intensity is how high you bring your limbs up during the work out routine. Athletes must perform at the level of intensity pertaining to their level of fitness and the regularity of their work outs sessions.

The goal while working out aerobically is to reach your target heart rate and remain at that for the whole period you are exercising that group of muscles. This exercises the heart more effectively and makes the body expend a greater amount of calories. The aerobic curve is something some people will often reach. This is when you start exercising and elevate your intensity level to the peak then decrease gradually. It is better to maintain that continuous level as your heart rate rises. The lungs and heart endure longer and work more effectively when they are conditioned. People who do aerobic exercise on a steady basis will have to exercise harder to achieve their target heart rate as their stamina increases. People who are only beginning will get to their target heart rate quickly until their body gets used to the exercise.

More effective implementation of the lungs by escalating the oxygen carried to them as well as the heart using that oxygen more effectively are a few of the pros of aerobic exercise. The definition of aerobic means with oxygen, or with air.  Exercise that is lower in intensity and longer in time is aerobic. With aerobic sessions, an athlete implements the same big muscle group in a continuous motion from between fifteen and thirty. The goal of the aerobic exerciser is to maintain a maximum heart rate of approximately sixty to eighty %. A few aerobic sessions are: light running, cycling, walking, or treading water. These activities should be able to be done without a person breathing hard. You are possibly anaerobically working out if you are not able to carry on a brief conversation.

While in an aerobic exercise session, the body transports more blood and oxygen to the muscle groups. It is not smart to stop suddenly from an aerobic session. This leads to dizziness and muscle spasms. It is usually a great idea to have a cooling off session after a relatively intense aerobic work out. Running in place for a moment or two is a good idea if anybody gets too exhausted during a work out session.

This type exercise is absolutely obligatory for cardiovascular fitness even though it may be a bit difficult at first. A healthy body takes regular aerobic sessions and is an ongoing process. Three times a week is generally how frequently a person should exercise if they are already in fairly good cardiovascular shape. Those who are trying to lose weight and raise their level of fitness should work out four to five times a week.

A Fitness Routine for Six Pack Abs

A Fitness Routine for Six Pack Abs

The goal of six pack abs mainly depends upon losing weight by completing exercises that focus on the muscles in the abdominal area. There are literally dozens of such exercises including many that are meant for other major muscle groups, but that can be modified to include a workout for your abdominal muscles. Here are just a few of the major abdominal emphasis exercises.



Crunches are done by lying on the floor either on a mat or not, with your arms crossed in front of your chest. Many people do crunches with the hands behind the head, but this can create lower back problems because of the pull on the head and neck. A slightly different position has the finger tips placed behind the ears, rather than crossed on the chest. It is important not to pull on the neck or on the ears for assistance in rising off the floor. Instead, suck the abdomen back toward the spine and inhale through the nose at the same time. Raise the shoulders toward the knees using only the muscles in the abdomen. The entire back should not be lifted from the floor, as this is likely to create back strain. No additional benefit to the abdomen is gained by raising the entire torso. The key part of the crunch is the initial flexing of the abdominal muscles as the shoulders are lifted off the floor. As the shoulders clear the floor, exhale through your mouth. Complete the exhalation with a gasp to expel the last of the air from the lungs as your shoulders stay clear of the floor. Lower the shoulders back to the point where the shoulder blade touches the ground while inhaling. It is important to maintain the proper breathing control and muscle flexing to get maximum benefit from crunches.



Once again start in a position on the floor with your feet flat and your knees bent. The fingers should be placed behind the ears, or you can cross your arms on your chest. Slowly raise the entire back off the floor while inhaling deeply and exhale as you reverse the move. This exercise can be made more challenging in several ways. For instance, you can do sit ups from an incline with your head lower than your lower body. You can then add weights on the chest to lift while you are sitting up. Weights can become heavier on an incline bench. The next difficult step can be attained by holding the feet off the ground while doing sit ups or making a bicycle peddling motion while doing sit ups with your legs. These exercises may not be easy, but are very beneficial to the abdominal area.



Leg lifts begin with the legs straight and the hands at your sides while lying on the floor. Lift both legs up at the same time without bending the knees until the legs are at a ninety degree angle or a close as possible. Not everyone is flexible enough to reach the ninety degree angle. Lower the legs as close as possible to the floor without actually touching and repeat several times. Increase the challenge of this exercise by adding weights to the legs while lifting them. Another challenging exercise for improving definition and musculature in the abdomen is to hang from a pull up bar while lifting both legs to a ninety-degree position. As with most other exercises, try to stay conscious of breathing while slowly doing the routines.


This exercise begins by lying flat on the floor with the hands at your sides in order to provide better balance. At the same time you raise your knees, bring your torso up slowly till the face and knees meet. Return slowly to the original position while in full control of the movement. The jackknife name comes from the natural tendency of the legs to bend at the knee with the feet dropping to the hips presenting the shape of a jackknife. The difficulty level of this position can be increased by holding a weight between the feet while performing the sit ups.


This exercise begins with you on your back on the floor with the arms extended over your head. Bring both legs and torso up at the same time without bending the knees or the arms. Keep the pace slow and steady and reach for your feet with your extended hands at the top of the arc. If possible, try to touch your feet, but this move can be tricky until your level of flexibility increases. As with other exercises, adding weight between the feet increases the difficulty level.

Pintester Movement- Em's Full Post

For those of you who saw the post from yesterday here is my full post on the Peacock Canvases and a tutorial which had been condensed for fast-ish reading sake (Marquette and I combined posts yesterday for the Pintester Movement!!)

So we got a challenge from Pintester to try a pin we were scared of, hadn't had time for, or had been on our board for forever and just hadn't gotten to. I pulled up my Pinterest and got to looking around.  I narrowed it down to four and got to work. Here I will share my whole tale, because as I have come to understand, these escapades hardly go as planned! This is both 1) A story and 2) A tutorial!! Enjoy!!

I asked the hubby what he liked best and he chose the lamp shade.  You see the lampshade we currently have in our house is in desperate need of some help...

Water stained from when our house flooded, and cracked from the move...I LOVE the base (it was my grandmothers) and so I have just been waiting for the right opportunity to spruce it up, and this seemed like the perfect time!!

Well Marquette and I took a trip to our good ole' local Wally World and I found absolutely NO fabric or paper that I liked to redo this lamp shade (which means a trip to Hobby Lobby and JoAnn's is inevitable in my future...oh darn). When I researched the original lampshade pin, I found out it was an art piece made solely of paper! No instructions or anything like that were included, so it was probably best that I didn't attempt that pin that day.

 So I moved to the next project on my board that spoke to me, the peacock canvases! Love these!!

 I did find what I needed at Wal-Mart, however they only had two canvases of the size I liked, but I was sure I had one of that size at home...I am a bit of a canvas hoarder.

These are only some of them...I have an addiction.

So I get to looking at the sizes and realize I don't have what I need. So Marquette and I start brainstorming, because another trip to Wal-Mart is out of the question and I had bought the last two of that size anyways. *le sigh* 
I end up having three matching canvases of the XXL size but I'm not sure I want a single peacock feather to be 3 1/2 feet tall, I just don't have enough duct tape sheets for that!

If you are wondering what I mean by that let me explain my improvising.
The original peacock canvases were made using a vinyl cutout machine, like a Cricut or a Silhouette. The vinyl sticker is laid on the canvas, painted over, then the sticker is removed and voila!
But I unfortunately don't have one of those so I had to get creative.
Fortunately Wal-Mart sells duct take sheets now which are 8x11 inches and which were perfect for this! I figured I would attach them together, draw my image on the back, cut it out and voila! My very own custom peacock feather!

I did not however have enough sheets to make a 3 1/2 foot tall peacock feather (although looking back now that would have been amazing!).  So I decided to make three canvases, using the same peacock "stencil" on each and paint them each one of the following colors: dark purple, navy blue, then teal for a ombre effect.
This way they all look cohesive, I only have to draw and cut out one stencil, and I don't have to worry about a gorilla sized peacock feather.

But this meant I would have to salvage a board I had used for another project.

(The above picture was a project I did around Christmas, with the two below being my inspiration for the project.  We ended up updating the room with a  giant map tapestry and I haven't decided what to do with all the canvases yet, so they have been stuck in a  corner for six months till now!!)

I used my large center canvas ( the C G E one), repainted over it white, and got down to the nitty gritty.

I gathered my materials, and combined my duct tape sheets...

Next I painstakingly happily drew my peacock on the back of my combined duct tape sheets.

Next I cut it out on a cutting board using an Ex-Acto Knife.

Here is what it looked like all cut out! Remember whatever you draw on the back will be backwards when you flip and stick!!
 At this point I had already put my base glitter gold spray paint (a shout out to my sweet husband who ran to Wal-Mart after work to get me more glitter spray paint!)on the canvases and had let it dry. This will be the color that the actual feather will be when it was all said and done.
Next I placed the stencil on the glitterific canvas after pulling the paper backing off my cut out stencil:

And then sprayed my over color on top!

Then when it is all dry you slowly peel the sticker off. Looking back I would have split the sticker into three or four sections and then pieced them together on the canvas. Getting the original backing from the duct tape off was a nightmare and I spent a good hour un-sticking the duct tape from itself.

 By the time I got to the third canvas I had split the sticker into four pieces, and upon removal from the previous canvas I put the pieces on wax paper to keep it flat and untangled. I HIGHLY recommend this from the get go! See below!

Here is the final result!

All three just finished. Hello toes!

A close up of the glitter detail.

In their final place! I love them!! They match the style of our room perfect and were just the right size for the space!
And here is what I looked like after 8+ hours of Pinterest Crafting...
(I can't decide if I was Pinterest exhausted or if the Strep I came down with the next day was catching up me...)

 So there you have it! I stared off needing a new lampshade and ended up with three peacock canvases that look nothing like the original pin.
Such is the story of Pinterest!

                                The Original                    The Pinstrositeer Version                          

It's your turn now! Get out there pinners! Try something you have been putting off! I finally got off my butt and I LOVE the results of my project! When you finish your projects send them our way and we can do a compilation post! Good or bad, finish your pin and let us know how it went!